İngilizce Video Dersler (İlköğretim, Ortaöğretim, Açıköğretim)

Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, İnternet TV programlarından, ilköğretim, ortaöğretim ve açıköğretim İngilizce dersleri, 

İlköğretim İngilizce Dersleri

I was on the boat last year 16' 00"
Yesterday 18' 16"
I'm not so lucky! 17' 10"
I'm older than him 15' 54"
What a nice dinner! 14' 55"
I think the is captain griendly 14' 50"
May I barrow your binocolars? 17' 36"
Revision 14' 44"
I have jost seen the doctor 13' 56"
Have you been to Japan 15' 26"
She is stronger than me 15' 46"
I hope we will meet somewhere 13' 33"
It is made from woold 16' 02"
General revision 16' 07"

Ortaöğretim İngilizce Dersleri (Açıköğretim Lisesi)

Review 1 (Ön takılar, İsimler, Sıfatlar) 20'27''
Review 2 (Fiiller, Modallar, Yardımcı Fiiller, Zarflar, Edatlar) 20'15''
Passive Voice (Edilgen Yapı) 18'57''
Active And Passive Forms of The Simple Past Tense (Etken ve Edilgen Yapı) 20'53''
Passive Voice (Edilgen Yapı) 18'10''
The Road is Being Repaired (Etken ve Edilgen Yapı) 18'50''
The Past Perfect 1 (Mişli Geçmiş Zaman) 20'14''
Story Telling 20'19''
Test 1 19'05''
Reported Speech (Dolaylı Anlatım) 18'55''
What Does He Want To Know? (Reporting Question - Dolaylı Anlatımın Soru Şekli) 19'47''
Reported Speech (Dolaylı Anlatım) 19'15''
What Did She Want To Know? (Reporting Question - Dolaylı Anlatımın Soru Şekli) 18'33''
Test 2 20'03''
Welcome Home 20'26''
In The Morning 18'36''
Magazines (The Future Continuous Tense - Gelecek Zamanın Sürekliliği) 18'31''
So Do I / Neither Do I 20'20''
A Trip To Ürgüp - Göreme (The Future Perfect Tense) 20'37''
What Should I Do? 20'43''
Test 1 20'24''
Whose Purse Is It? 19'42''
Cousin Damon 19'40''
If I Were Rich ... (If Clause 2/Wish Clause1- Unreal Present) 19'52''
Happy Birtday (If Clause 3/Wish Clause2 - Unreal Present) 19'12''
Test 2 18'53''
Pleased To Meet You ... (Relative Clauses - Sıfat Cümleleri/Used To) 18'08''
Typically Turkish (Relative Clauses - Sıfat Cümleleri) 20'06''
A Visit To Anıtkabir (Had Better/Adverbial Clauses - Zarf Cümleleri) 20'27''
Delicous Dish (Adverbial Clauses - Zarf Cümleleri/Would Rather) 19'47''
A Boat Trip In İstanbul (Noun Clauses - İsim Cümlecikleri) 20'20''
Test 6 19'27''
I Have Some Postcarts To Post (The Infinitive - Fiillerin Kök Halleri) 19'12''
Pamukkale Is Worth Visiting (Gerund - İsimsi Fiiller) 19'18''
Don't Leave Turkey Without Visiting Antalya 18'21''
The Petrified Valley (Causative Verbs - Ettirgen Fiiller) 18'10''
Unforgettable Days In Turkey (Causative Verbs - Ettirgen Fiiller) 19'30''
Test 2 19'30''
What a Dog! (Must+Have+V3 For Past Prediction) 19'10''
Double Disaster! (Sentences With While, The Passive Voice, It's Probable That ...) 21'16''
Bugs in the office! (Who, Which, That in Subject Position;Who ... Object Position; No Relative Pronoun-As Object Position) 20'55''
Double Disaster! (Sentences With While, The Passive Voice, It's Probable That ...) 20'48''
Never Lose Hope!(Reported speech, Used to) 17'41''
Change for the better (The comparative form of the adjectives, the superlative form of the adjectives, get+adj+-er) 20'36''
Competition (Relative clauses with "whose", Passive Voice) 20'08''
English At Home 5 (The Causatives; Hear, see etc+object+verb form) 18'20''
Test (İngilizce 5 dersinin programında yer alan tüm dilbilgisi yapısı) 21'10''
Share Share Editor: editor | Posted: 2011/02/07 | Views: 25867


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